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Combines a dilation filter followed by an erosion filter.

🖼️ Image options and parameters of close method
🎭 Mask options and parameters of close method

Opposed to opening, closing process first erodes an image and only then dilates it. It is a useful process for filling small holes in the image, while preserving the shape and size of large holes and objects.

Ran in 0.00μs (Infinity ops/s)

Kinds of images compatible with algorithm

Image propertyWhat it meansPossible values
bitDepthnumber of bits per channel[1,8,16]
componentsnumber of components[1]
alphais alpha channel allowedfalse

Parameters and default values


Parameters and options for Images and Masks are the same.

  • options


PropertyRequiredDefault value
kernelno[[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1],[1, 1, 1]]

The method is also available for Masks.